(1758 - 1831)
Fifth President
United States of America
(1782-1783) Member, Virginia House of Delegates and Governors Council
(1783-1786) Delegate from Virginia to Confederation Congress
(1787) Fredericksburg City Council
(1787-1789) Member, Virginia House of Delegates
(1788) Member, Virginia State Convention to Ratify Federal Constitution
(1790-1794) United States Senator From Virginia
(1794-1796) American Minister to France
(1799-1802) Governor of Virginia, Three One Year Terms
(1803-1807) U.S. Minister to England and Spain
(1803) U.S. envoy to France to complete negotiations for Louisiana Purchase
(1810) Delegate from Spotsylvania County to Virginia House of Delegates
(1811) Governor of Virginia
(1811-1817) Secretary of State
(1814-1815) Secretary of War
(1817-1825) President of the
United States, two terms
(1829) Chairman, Virginia Constitutional Convention